When it comes to life, growth is not an option.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

It is the resistance to "change" that brings on the stress/strife. Acceptance of the change calls upon the strength to endure the necessary adaptations and adjustments.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I was approached by a man a weekend or so ago. He proceeded to start a conversation with me which ultimately led to him asking me out. My response was "you never even inquired if I was in a relationship or seeing someone". He said "oh, well are you in a relationship?" I said, "yes I am (I'm in a relationship with myself).

Now I wasn't trying to blow him off, even though I had no interest whatsoever. But my answer was the truth and it was intentional. I am in a relationship with myself, which hasn't always been the case. I'm getting to know me all over again. I'm becoming my biggest fan, my own best friend. Like most people who are single, I have a list of 'most desired qualities' and 'deal breakers'; but I cannot ask of someone what I am not able to give to myself. So in this relationship, I will be honest with myself, respect myself, be affectionate with myself, forgive myself, spend quality time with myself, be kind and gentle with myself, and enjoy my own company. I will laugh at myself, treat myself, and encourage myself.

The most important relationship you will ever have in this life is the one with YOURSELF.
(Live Well -Take the time to get know the real You)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Problem? What Problem? (Day 19)

I've seen times when I've mentally magnified a problem so much til it overtook my mind and emotions to the point of confusion and distress. And the sad thing about it is that it didn't bring me any closer to a solution. I wonder if I magnified my daily blessings in the same manner, if I would be overtaken with joy and gratefulness. Just wondering :)

"In the end, it will be OK. If its not OK, its not the end"

(Live Well -Where is your Attention?)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 33

The last couple of days have included "so called" bad news, an embarrassing situation that, thank God, wasn't exposed, and a minor body ailment. BUT today is a new day. One that I have never lived before. I'm gonna do my best to enjoy each and every moment. Hope you will too :)

(Live Well -Yesterday is gone)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

40 days to 40 (Day 36)

Today I am thankful for my family. Somewhere in the past 39 years, I've learned that there's no such thing as "the perfect family". Its usually in the "family" that we're faced with our greatest challenges. And just as our family can be the source of love and support, it can also be the source of hurts and disappointments.But you know what? As my sister constantly reminds me, "at the end of the day, we're still family".

Monday, July 19, 2010

40 days to 40 (Day 38)

I am so thankful for "Hot Showers"! Can you say therapeutic?? It may sound simple, but there is something "heavenly" about the hot water/body connection . I believe showers should be purposeful and not something we do because we have to. For some, its just to get clean; but what about to think,experience "me time",to refresh/re-group or to wash away the cares of the day?

I showered "on purpose" this evening. I allowed the water to heal and relax me. As I was totally focused, I did not allow my mind to go anywhere else. I stayed in present, and thanked God for the wonderful gift of hot water and massage shower heads :) The end result? A relaxed body and a clear mind. I don't take this simple pleasure for granted anymore. Its worked miracles for me. Its just ONE of the gifts of relaxation that works for me.

So what works for you? I may just try that too :)

(Live Well -Relax, Relate, Release)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

40 days to 40 (Day 39)

As I sat in Church today,I looked at my parents, and was grateful that I still have them both in my life. As they're getting older (in number), I'm appreciating them more. Parenting isn't easy and its not something you stop doing once your children are a certain age. As hard as you try to steer and guide, sometimes you're "on it", other times, you "miss it", but when its all said and done, all you know is that you love your children. Our parents are people who did the best they could with what they knew. I sometimes "wish" that I could build them their dream home, and maybe put nice "nest" in their bank account, take away their worries and cares, protect them...you know....all the things they desire for me as their child :)

(Live Well -Thank God for Parents!)